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Enriching the quality of life is a priority at Heritage Christian Services – not only for those we serve with developmental disabilities, but also for their caregivers and families.

The respite programs at Heritage Christian Services offer short-term care for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, which gives their caregivers the gift of time to devote to other areas of their lives.

Some programs, like Respitewood and Respitelodge, can offer overnight support while others provide hourly respite. Heritage Christian also serves families who are interested in site-based respite or in having a staff member provide respite in the family’s home.

Families can rest assured that their loved one is being cared for by a professional staff member who is certified in CPR, first-aid and specialized care techniques to support physical, emotional and behavioral needs. There are no out-of-pocket costs for Heritage Christian respite services as long as applicants: have a developmental disability, live at home with a parent or guardian and are enrolled in the Home and Community Based Services Waiver.


All site-based hourly respite programs currently have waiting lists.  The list is not served on a first come first served basis. When a spot becomes available we will look at the entire waiting list and take many factors into consideration including; how long a person has been waiting, the family’s needs, along with medical, behavioral and supervision supports and compatibility with other students. Please make sure that all submitted applications are accurate and complete. Incomplete applications cannot be accepted.  Additional information will be required before moving forward with a trial for a spot in the program.

Afternoon Programs

Heritage Christian afternoon programs are school-aged students and young adults and run Monday through Friday, while school is in session.

Respite Creek: 2 – 6 p.m. at Creekside School, 25 O’Conner Rd, Fairport, NY 14450

Respite Creek is a site-based, non-certified afternoon program located in a classroom at the O’Connor Acadamy, which is part of the BOCES Foreman Center in Fairport. Respite Creek follows the BOCES school calendar. Participants spend afternoon hours in a safe, supportive environment and take part in activities including creative projects, exercise such as walking and basketball, outdoor fun on the playground and learning opportunities on the computers and iPads. We are not able to administer any medications except an EpiPen.

Respite Friends: 2 – 6 p.m. at the Pieters Family Life Center, 1025 Commons Way, Rochester, NY 14623

Respite Friends is a site-based non-certified afternoon program that follows the Holy Childhood school calendar. It is located at the Pieters Family Life Center which is a state-of-the-art health and wellness facility equipped with a gymnasium, fitness room, kitchen, café and studios for dance, music and art. Participants enjoy activities like exercising, working on a computer, reading, baking and playing games and sports. We are not able to administer any medications except an EpiPen.

For more information or an application, please contact or (585) 967-0178.


Respite Teens: 6-9 p.m. at the Pieters Family Life Center, 1025 Commons Way in Henrietta

Respite Teens is a site-based non-certified recreation program that supports young people ages 13 to 21. Participants choose from on-site activities including cooking, watching movies, playing games and much more. Dinner is provided at this program. We are not able to administer any medications except an EpiPen. Respite Teen meets one time a month (usually the third Friday of each month).

For more information or an application, please contact or (585) 967-0178.


Camp Heritage offers two sessions of day camp during the summer. Both sessions are held at the Rotary Sunshine Campus in Rush, New York. Families are responsible for transportation to and from the camp. Participants must be between the ages of 5 and 21 years old and eligible for services through OPWDD. The application deadline is typically at the end of April. Families will be informed of acceptance/waitlist the first week of May.

Session 1: Held at the end of June; specific dates announced in February

Session 2:  Held at the end of August; specific dates announced in February

For more information or an application, please contact or (585) 967-0178.


Freestanding respite gives guests a fun opportunity to socialize and enjoy time away from home in a safe environment while providing caretakers time to accomplish other tasks or enjoy time to themselves. Heritage Christian has two overnight respite locations. Both homes are fully accessible and can support individuals of all abilities. Respite staff are certified to pass medications and can provide personal care assistance to guests based on that person’s level of support needed. Our respite programs are not able to provide skilled nursing tasks and may not be able to meet all behavior support needs. Each application is reviewed by the program’s director and a registered nurse to ensure that the person’s needs can be safely met.

Respitelodge –Located in Chili, New York, Respitelodge can serve up to six guests per night and provides two staff members on evening shifts, one on overnights.

Respitewood – Located in Webster, New York, Respitewood can serve up to five guests per night and has three to four staff members on evening shifts, one to two on overnights depending on guests’ needs.  The staff at Respitewood can provide range of scan supervision with one staff assigned (or less, if needed).

For more information or an application, please contactrespiteintake@heritagechristianservices.orgor (585) 967-0178.


For information about our in-home respite services or an application, please contact or 585-340-5748.


Club Adventure: 6-9 p.m. Fridays, 9 a.m. – noon, 1-4 p.m. or 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Saturdays, 1-4 p.m. Sundays at 1000 Ellicott Creek Road, Tonawanda, NY 14150

Club Adventure is a site-based respite program that meets most weekends and offers social and recreational opportunities to participants ages 5-30. Some scheduled activities are age-specific. Activities may take place at our location in Tonawanda or at locations around western New York after meeting at the site.