Prize Patrol Home > Misc Landing Pages > Prize Patrol A A A At Heritage Christian Services we value all of our employees and strive to find ways to continuously recognize one another for the outstanding work being done each and every day. In an effort to encourage and show direct support staff how deeply they are appreciated, we would love your help delivering monthly celebration kits to our residential homes in Rochester. The visits will be a surprise to the staff and kits will include treats, X and X. If you would like to add your own special touch, like balloons or cowbells, feel free! Prize Patrol Sign-up Name First Last Email PhoneWhere would you like to visit?To choose more than one location, press control while you select.Allwood DriveBaird RoadBuffalo RoadChili Ave.Clover StreetDickinson RoadEvergreen AptFairport RoadFive Mile LineGates GreeceGoodburletGroton Parkway Apt.Hard RoadHigh Street Ext.Hillrise DriveJefferson Ave. Apt.Jennifer LaneKentucky CrossingLandsdowneLarwoodLatonaOsagePeppermintPhillips Rd.Pine HillPlank Road (1435)Plank Road (1150)PortlandRailroad Mills RoadRobin HoodSalt RoadSchlegel RoadScribner RoadShanleeShoecraft (1500)Shoecraft (1450)State Road (1305)State Road (1008)Stone RoadWall RoadWebster RoadWestside Drive (1127)Westside Drive (1129)Whalen RoadWinton RoadWinton Road Apt.Woodsboro FarmsYorktown Drive