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Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access (IDEA) Resources

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At Heritage Christian Services, we believe that people are entitled to dignity, respect, equity and justice. We champion a society that removes barriers. We are committed to continuing to learn and to change, and invite you to learn with us.

QUICK LINKS: IDEA Vlogs | IDEA Resources | #CultureMatters | IDEA Calendar Suggestion Form

IDEA Vlogs

The Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access (IDEA) team works to build a living and working environment at Heritage Christian Services that is welcoming, inclusive, and diverse. This team is made up of HCS employees in many departments across the agency.

Each month, they’ll offer a new video blog about their work towards this important goal.

August IDEA Vlog

Integrity In Action

IDEA Resources

According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophyimplicit bias “suggests that people can act on the basis of prejudice and stereotypes without intending to do so.” In other words, people may make choices and decisions based on deep-rooted feelings that they are unaware they even have. Taking this test from Harvard’s Project Implicit may help you discover some of your own implicit biases.

The ProHabits 21-Day Challenge offers tools to help you make racial equity a habit through a series of activities over 21 days. American & Moore also has a 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge, and the YWCA has a Racial Justice Challenge.

The YWCA of Rochester & Monroe County’s Toolkit for Change includes information on identifying, processing, addressing and preventing discrimination.

Visit Anti-Racism Daily to sign up to receive a daily anti-racism newsletter.

The Guide to Allyship offers resources and tips to help you become a more thoughtful and effective ally.

The Levine Center to End Hate seeks to unite the greater Rochester community in overcoming hate through education, dialogue and positive action.

The Antiracist Style Indicator may be helpful in assessing where you are with dismantling racism in systems and within yourself.


As we work together and build relationships with one another, we can benefit from the perspective and understanding of various cultures and traditions. Although we all see and experience the world differently, sharing things that are important to us can help to build bridges of understanding. With that, we introduce #CultureMatters, a way for people to share about movements, days, celebrations and remembrances that are important to them. Through this, we aim to build an appreciation of cultural diversity and a more just and equitable work environment and community.

Below you’ll see a list of days that are currently part of our #CultureMatters educational series and the months in which they typically fall. If you’d like to contribute a time that’s important to you, please click the button below to fill out the form. If you have any questions, please reach out to info@heritagechristianservices.org.


IDEA Calendar Suggestion From

Please tell us the date or day of the week your day of significance falls on and include a description of why it is important to you.