Learn more about our Homes with Heart capital campaign at HCSHeart.org

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Homes on Names and Five Mile Line Open for Move-In

In January, the homes on Names Road in Chili and Five Mile Line Road in Penfield opened for move-in. These homes are two of the 12 that are part of the Homes with Heart campaign. Many of the people who moved have experienced changes in their health, and their new homes will be able to support them in a dignified and safe way as they
continue to age.

Shannon Liptak, who moved into the home on Five Mile Line Road, appreciates her new surroundings “I love that it is easier for me to get to the laundry room,” said Shannon, who previously needed to traverse the stairs to the home’s basement. Her bearded dragon, Fred, also has a new home in the community room, and is very popular with guests who
come to visit.

As of April, $8.8 million has been raised towards the campaign’s $9.1 million goal, and continued community support is needed to reach the finish line. Donations to the Homes with Heart campaign are meaningful as we celebrate our 40th anniversary. To pledge your support, visit HCSHeart.org/donate.