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Working toward confidence

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By D’Aisha White of O’Dell Family Chiropractic and Caila Healy of the Employment Alliance

D’Aisha White started working at O’Dell Family Chiropractic in July of 2012. A few of her  responsibilities at the office are to enter patient information in the computer, file and shred documents, make patient welcome packets, and scan and upload documents.

When asked how working at O’Dell has affected her life, D’Aisha said, “I enjoy working there. It is definitely a process but I enjoy working and it gets me out and about. It gets me to interact.”

D’Aisha stated that her job coaches have been “awesome” and “very supportive.”

D’Aisha mentioned that her job coaches have taught her how to be professional in the workplace and keep a positive attitude. She stated, “You have really helped me with alphabetizing, too.”

Over the last year, D’Aisha has grown very independent and confident as a reflection of her work at O’Dell. “My attitude has changed and is more positive and I have become more courageous,” she said.

Along with the work she has learned this past year, she has developed a positive relationship with her supervisor, Maria Dewhirst. “Maria has been very good, excellent and a positive person to work with,” she said.

This opportunity has not only given D’Aisha the chance to work and learn the responsibilities that come with a job, but this has shaped her life outside of work in many positive ways as well. She continues to grow and learn with each week and hopes to increase her hours at O’Dell.