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What really matters

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By Marisa Geitner, president and C.E.O.

Heritage Christian is proud to announce it has earned a national accreditation for Person Centered Excellence from The Council on Quality and Leadership. As part of that accreditation process, a group of people invested in the success of the agency – including self advocates, direct support professionals, families of people served by HCS, various community partners and agency leadership – gathered to explore how people could have more authority to plan and pursue their personal vision for their lives.

The group focused on creating a plan called “What Really Matters.” The plan identifies four key areas to focus on: making sure individuals have easy access to their money; working to improve transportation options so people’s rides can be available when and where they want them; offering opportunities to participate in community experiences so lasting, natural relationships can form; and advocating so people can have greater control over choosing their service providers.

Bobby Terry, a self advocate, talks about the importance of focusing on the things that matter most:

Hi everyone. My name is Bobby Terry. I’m going to talk about people having more access to their money and how they spend it and how – as an agency – we can make service better for the people that we support by listening differently to the things that matter most to each person.

For me, it’s important that I be included more in the banking process, so I can go the bank with or without my support person. I also need easier access to my own money. I think that is what we mean when we say having money when we need it or want it.

The last thing I want to cover is helping people getting to and from places no matter how many staff members are working that day.  

These are some of the things that matter most to me and that’s why I advocate for them to improve, but I’m glad the agency is focusing on what matters to each person so each person is valued. All these changes I think will help people understand what’s happening in the agency and also let them know their voices are being heard and help them see they make a difference.

cql-accred colorAbout The Council on Quality and Leadership

CQL works with organizations across the country to help improve the quality of life for people with disabilities, mental illness and older adults. CQL helps organizations focus on the person served, ensuring that the person defines the outcomes that are most important to their life.