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The importance of tradition

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Marisa1By Marisa Geitner, president and C.E.O.

My kids and I are always in the kitchen. At the holidays we bake pies and Christmas cookies, and in the summer we try new ways to use the vegetables from our garden.

It’s our tradition. It’s one way we spend time together.

At Heritage Christian, we have traditions, too – things we do that make us family.

We celebrate important milestones. 

We cheer as people cross finish lines and learn to do more than they ever thought possible. 

We care.

We talk a lot about treating people with Christian compassion, about becoming love in action. Love says that we must open our hearts to the people we serve and the people we work with. It requires us to be patient, humble and kind, and it encourages us to see the good in every situation.

That’s a tradition I’m especially proud of.

What Heritage Christian traditions mean the most to you? What helps you feel like family?