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The importance of thoughtful ambassadors

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HCSBuffalo092514_605By Marisa Geitner, president and C.E.O.

When passion for an injustice, a cause or a principle burns in our belly what do we do with it?

Like any fire, our passion must be tended very carefully.  Locked within us, it may eventually starve and wither away, forgotten.  Overfed, it pours from us in a way far too intense, something that people back away from.  For those of us at Heritage Christian, our passion can overshadow the very intention of the people we are here to support.  It takes thoughtful balance to ensure the voices of the people we serve are heard.

When our thoughtful passion aligns with the most important needs of the people who use our services, it defines our advocacy.  When we have listened closely enough, their stories and what they want for their lives shape us as ambassadors, allowing us to speak in a way that excites others.  We fuel others with opportunities and solutions.  We have a clear way to move forward.

Heritage Christian ambassadors aim to be faithful and positive.  We speak always of the person first.  We work diligently to eliminate the barriers to access and opportunity that are often caused by a perception of disability, and we instead focus on similarities.

We need a mighty force of diverse ambassadors.  Ambassadors who represent our passion for better outcomes for those we walk along side.  Ambassadors who find ways to stretch and serve the many in need of the right support.  Ambassadors who improve access by welcoming others into new opportunities.

This week challenge yourself.  Who can you welcome in?  Make an introduction. Model person first language. Share a story that connects us through similarities. Highlight a powerful support relationship.

Lead as an ambassador, share your story, focus your advocacy – and watch the impact you’ll have.