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The importance of individual success

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HCSBuffalo092514_799By Marisa Geitner, president and C.E.O.

We are so proud of the programs and services we have been able to offer to our community throughout the last 30 years. We know they have been essential in creating the right atmosphere for relationships to blossom and experiences to shape learning and development. That’s when we really see amazing results.

You see, organizations don’t achieve personal change, people do. Our role is a guide, a well-educated, dedicated guide. But the true influence Heritage Christian aims to have can only come through personal achievement, one person at a time. We won’t see sustainable impact without nurturing individual success.

We are committed to the social change necessary for our community to thrive. We support individual growth through good listening and supportive action. We also know this kind of community impact takes a strong network of allies. It helps us to inform our choices and gain a common vision. Done right these community networks may be invisible to those choosing our services, but they will be among the most powerful forces we can channel for the greater good of our mission.

That’s what makes our work day to day so vital. Every day we need to be at our best, nurturing just the right experience that will support personal growth. This defines the difference between good work and true impact