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New Year Refresh is a Reset at Work and Home

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By Kelly McClure

Once a year, around the globe, humanity is encouraged to have a fresh start. The first day of January, also known as New Year’s Day according to the Gregorian calendar, is the most widely used frame of reference for starting a new year. This day also serves as a reminder to many to hit the “reset” button on life. 

People take the opportunity to pause, then reflect on the previous year’s events and set goals for the year ahead. Similarly, it is a great opportunity for organizations and teams within an organization to take inventory on the happenings of last year and look ahead to what is to come. Sometimes New Year’s resolutions can be intimidating, lofty and may not be remembered past the first month of the year. However, any amount of thought, energy and time dedicated to learning from the past and improving is well invested. 

Here are three simple questions to ponder as the first few hours, days and weeks of 2020 unfold.  

1)      What did my team at work and/or I accomplish in 2019?

2)      What are our greatest opportunities for improvement in 2020?

3)      What is one area of my life or one aspect of our team that we can bring intention to in 2020?

These questions can be applied to your personal life and in relation to your team at work.

If nothing else, taking a few moments to consider these few questions will allow a mental reset and realignment with your own and/or your workplace’s values and vision.