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Making 2018 a year of gratitude and joy

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gratitude is a lens that helps us amplify goodBy Marisa Geitner, president and C.E.O.

Happy New Year!

I’m not typically a fan of New Year’s resolutions, but this year one hit me that seemed to make sense. In 2018, I will approach each day with as much reflection and anticipation as I would the turn of a new year! After all, it just makes sense and is much more manageable. I will recap the day, sort my accomplishments and build my ‘Things to Anticipate’ for tomorrow. Although I acknowledge the harder part might be what I hope NOT to do: I will not perseverate on what I did not accomplish. I will not carry regret for time I did not have. I will not hold on to those retrospective missed opportunities.

Today it seems natural to tip toward a mindset of scarcity… I didn’t get enough sleep. I didn’t get enough done. I ran out of time. If only, if only, if only. Counterfactual thinking (should have, would have, could have) really zaps our gratitude and therefore our joy. For me, it is time to focus with gratitude on the abundance of my day – the just enough. To marvel at how the day unfolded so differently than I might have expected and yet, I did it! I had just enough time, just enough help and accomplished just what I needed to despite the variations of a dynamic day.

We know that gratitude is a lens that helps us amplify what is good, and who couldn’t use a bit more reflection on the good of our day?

Onward to 2018!