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Looking ahead to the future with much work to accomplish

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By Marisa Geitner

For the past 35 years, with our foundational commitment at Heritage Christian Services we have tackled each new day with a zeal to do better. With our faithful mission calling us to provide an opportunity for dignity, respect, unconditional love, and individual expression, often we finish our day reflecting on ways to do even better tomorrow. For our mission to remain timeless, it is vital that it grows and shifts with our ever-changing community. So onward to the next 35, one day at a time, one unique relationship at a time.

In the upcoming years, we will support our community in reaching higher ground by persistently expecting equity in community policy and practice.  An aim of equity supports people as individuals and respects them for their uniqueness. It ensures people have what they need for their success. Whether their success requires a physically accessible community, employment opportunity despite a unique intellectual or behavioral need or fair treatment regardless of gender, race or identity – we will be there supporting that need. We will push for a community that includes all by recognizing and embracing difference. Embracing difference provides for greater dignity, respect, love and expression- a mission that knows no boundaries.  What a blessing to be part of this important community work.  Onward with the blessing of humility and the richness of grace!