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How are you building community?

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Photo credit: Shawn Dowd, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle

By Marisa Geitner, president and C.E.O.

The work of Heritage Christian is about community, community as a place and community as a relationship.  It is about empowerment, acceptance, personal growth and responsibility to one another.  It is about the reciprocity that comes through relationships and shared experiences.  This commitment to one another defines us.

This commitment was illustrated symbolically when we unveiled Stronger Together on June 24, 2009 in front of the Pieters Family Life Center.  As the artist’s statement illustrates, “The columns do not stand alone but rather exist symbiotically – in a relationship where the two depend upon and receive reinforcement from each other.” The artist Juan Carlos Caballero- Perez then goes on to reference the importance of his very own citizenship and relationships.

It is our passion for community that drives us to ensure that everyone – including children, older adults and people with developmental disabilities – feels valued and respected and has opportunities to do what matters most in life.

What are you doing to help build community?