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Honoring the voices of children

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Friends, it is my pleasure to open up this space and introduce you to Kelly Giudice. Kelly is the director of operations at Expressive Beginnings at Toddler’s Workshop in Webster, and she has some very insightful words to share with us today. – Marisa Geitner, president and C.E.O.

K_Giudice06One of the things that matters most to me, and to many of my colleagues, is the need for children to fully experience their right to empowerment and engagement in the educational process.

We have been working very hard through our classroom work, documentation, newsletters and more to show our families examples of honoring the children’s innate approach to knowledge acquisition. We are striving every day to create a culture that values the self-directed learning of children.

Our belief in their ability to create and construct their own knowledge and to formulate and express their ideas in new and creative ways is the cornerstone of our program.

Their world is so often dominated by the voices of others, let us focus together on their voices. Through our listening, observing, and trusting we are demonstrating our belief in their value, their capabilities and potentials, and supporting the idea that each of them is a unique and amazing gift to the world!