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Focusing on faith and family

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Focusing on faith gives Lisa Jackson inspiration for the week: 
“It gives me a sense of strength to push me forward and know there is a greater purpose in life.”

By Lisa Jackson, direct support staff

The men who live at the home on Fairport Road in Pittsford have been enjoying church for years – but it didn’t really become a natural part of Sunday until they made friendships there.

“We participate in several of the activities the church holds including bowling parties, pancake breakfasts and game nights,” said Lisa Jackson, who often attends Perinton Presbyterian Church. “And all of the men we support participate in the adult work camp that is held in the spring.”

Lisa has become involved with the church, too. “I was recently asked by a member of the church to also join the missions team and have attended several meetings. I took on the holiday food baskets and organized 11 families receiving a Christmas dinner.”

Now, Sunday is a day they all look forward to.

“Being so involved with the church I feel does change our overall perception on life and that we are here not to serve ourselves but to serve God and each other.”