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Finding your true self, your compass

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Photo by Tim Graf on Unsplash

By Marisa Geitner, president and C.E.O.

Are you positioned to bring your true self to work? Does the work you do fulfill your natural tendencies to serve, to be meaningful, to be productive? Without a doubt, working in human service requires authenticity — a harmony with the true you and the work you are asked to do. Serving at Heritage Christian is a choice, a decision that should include some significant soul searching. Why me? Why here? How am I called to uniquely make a difference?

Frankly, life is too short and we spend a significant amount of that precious time in our paid employment so we deserve to thrive in it! In exploring a career opportunity or change think through who it is you really are. How are you similar and how are you distinct from those around you? What is it that you bring that allows you to serve with distinction?

Next, explore what you look and feel like surrounded by the team you work alongside? Is it a good fit with your authentic self? Do you serve a distinct and valuable roll on your team? Once you have successfully reconciled the right team fit, go bigger. Don’t settle for working for a company if you can’t well represent its brand or if its brand does not well represent you.

That is the trifecta friends…. right fit for you, right fit for the team, right fit for the brand! It’s great for your fulfillment, and it’s great for the company you choose to represent.

Aim higher, go bigger, BE MORE, don’t settle! Life is too short.