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Continuous Journey

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Blog by Kalani Morris, workforce and talent development associate

Often times, it can be difficult understanding one another in our work environments. When something doesn’t align with what we consider to be like our normal mindsets and behaviors, an initial response could be to stray as far away from these “strange” concepts as we can. This may lead to quick and harsh judgments that could possibly deter us from making a genuine effort with each other. However, our strongest defense in combating these disconnections is with cultural competence. Cultural competence can best be described as a set of behaviors, attitudes and policies fusing to lead to positive cross-cultural interactions. We can find success with cultural competency if we allow ourselves to be open-minded to things we may be unfamiliar with. Our curiosities can sometimes be dimmed by our apprehensions. But, engaging with these other cultures, and learning how to speak across them is fundamental in stirring up change. Being vulnerable to the unfamiliar, and gaining the profound ability to be open-minded will open doors that can only result in an abundance of positivity. While working towards a greater understanding and execution of cultural competence is a difficult task, it is not an impossible one. Reevaluating our current mindsets and behaviors and recognizing where improvements could be made is not easy to do in the slightest. But, not allowing oneself to be stagnant on this journey, and allowing oneself to be heard, to be a voice, will create a change like no other.

Below is a resource that further explains cultural competency, as well as key components we can all benefit from.

“Understanding Cultural Competency”