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Connecting to Faith Communities

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By Lida Merrill, Director of Spiritual Life

Early last month, in an evening filled with music and reunions with other parishioners, Bill Haines and Coco Marshall were able to return to a place that holds very special meaning for them: the Spiritus Christi Church in Rochester.

Part of walking alongside people as they achieve their full possibility is connecting them to what is personally meaningful and fulfilling. For Bill and Coco, and so many other people who choose Heritage Christian, that means having a place to seek spiritual fulfillment.

In many cases, staff members also benefit from seeing the impact faith has on a person, and the happiness that comes from their bridge building. Heritage Christian Services strives to foster these opportunities.

The Heritage Christian Services Faith Community Inclusion team can support people in staying connected to their faith community, or in identifying a new faith community. We will not choose for them; we want them to have that freedom. We also encourage the use of creative resources to connect people to faith communities.

Belonging is an integral part of a person’s wellness, including faith-based wellness. It is our responsibility to offer the opportunity for a person to attain spiritual fulfillment and belonging.