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Call to Faith

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By Lida Merrill, director of Faith Community Inclusion

“Leaving our deeply held beliefs at home, in the mosque, synagogue or church is to leave a portion of self behind and accept a smaller portion of the illuminating light that emanates from the soul of every man and every woman.” -Boyd Matheson

The Heritage Christian Services’ culture of faith and prayer is deeply rooted in the Christian faith of our founding families and prayer is woven into the fabric of our agency. From the moment the founding families first sensed that God was calling them to start this organization to this moment in time, prayer has sustained us.

While we have deep Christian roots we have always been intentional to support and employ people of all faiths and those who identify with no religious faith. We seek to welcome and include all people.

“All” is a small but powerful word in our agency mission statement: A life of dignity, worth and expression, to which all are entitled as God’s created children… “All” encompasses the people who choose our services and the people who choose to work here. A vital part of our mission includes honoring and supporting uniqueness and the individuality of each person. That includes expressions of our individual faiths.

You do not need to leave your faith and beliefs at the door when you come to work. They are part of who you are!  Welcoming all of who you are to the work you do defines the caring culture we seek to provide.  Thank you for your commitment to feel the work that you are part of each day.