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A call to ‘be more’

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By Marisa Geitner, president and C.E.O.

Even today, I find the most valuable experiences I’ve had in my career happened while serving as a direct support staff. I was first introduced to direct support while still in college. My roommate introduced me to a human service agency, and it was that experience that led me to choose an education and a career in human service. I brought that experience with me as I began my career at Heritage Christian Services, serving part time in direct support while I worked my job full time as a speech therapist and pursued my graduate degree.

In the role of direct support I experienced the joy of learning to support others with compassion and dignity — and learned to always demonstrate respect for those who chose me as their support staff. I learned how to listen better, to learn from those around me.

Also, I learned the art of differentiating the support I was providing. Sometimes I was quietly serving someone more “behind the scenes” as to ensure they were center stage. Sometimes I was alongside someone, experiencing something new together for the very first time or providing an introduction and then stepping back. At other times I found myself learning about courage as I stepped out front to advocate for a right and necessary change on behalf of a friend.

At Heritage Christian, I was able to bring all aspects of myself to the job: My conviction that we’re all equal. My desire to learn. My beliefs. All of it. Here, I found myself surrounded by others who strengthened me and supported me in who I was and who I might like to be!

This is a career — and a life – I am proud of and it all started with my experience in direct support.

We are continuing to grow to serve more people. Might you know someone who would like to bring more of themselves to the work they do?  Someone who would like to be more than one thing? Please make the introduction.

And if you already serve here, please bring all aspects of you. Together, let’s be more.