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Purchase the Heritage Christian Services History Book

The story of how three sets of parents who had children with developmental disabilities helped bring a community together, inspire change and create a culture where all of God’s children are valued. Purchase the book here.


Founding Families

November 15, 1979

Founding Families

Marie and Bob Pieters, along with Gail and Bob Otto, held their first founders meeting at Jobina and Pete Bruinsma’s home on Homewood Lane in Irondequoit, N.Y.


Articles of Incorporation Filed

November 3, 1980

Articles of incorporation were filed with the Department of State.


First Board of Directors Meeting Held

December 2, 1980

The first Board of Directors meeting is held.


Agency Approved as Not-for-profit

February 19, 1981

Heritage Christian Home Inc. was approved to operate as a not-for-profit agency.


United Church of Christ Gifted Land

May 3, 1981

The congregation of United Church of Christ of Webster, N.Y., voted to give land to found the first Heritage Christian home.


Fundraising dinner at Rochester Christian Reformed Church Held

November 12, 1981

Heritage Christian holds its first annual fundraising dinner at Rochester Christian Reformed Church.


Ground Broken on Jennifer Lane

September 15, 1983

Ground Broken on Jennifer Lane

Ground is broken for the first Heritage Christian home on Jennifer Lane off of Klem Road in Webster, N.Y.


First Executive Director Hired

November 1, 1983

First Executive Director Hired

Timothy Weider was hired as the first executive director.


First Home on Jennifer Lane Opened

June 24, 1984

First Home on Jennifer Lane Opened

The first home on Jennifer Lane opened to welcome nine young adults: Ellen Baxter, Michael Bogdan, Bill Case, Kim DeSarra, Steve Jones, Amy Kingston, Laurie Otto, Bob and Karen Pieters.


Parents Started Faith Foundation

January 1, 1985

Parents Started Faith Foundation

Similar to Heritage Christian, a group of parents started the FAITH Foundation in the western New York area., looking to provide Christian homes for their children, led by Anne Wolf. Eventually, the group came to include: Rev. Robert and Delphine Bohall; Carol and Ernie Forth; Carol and David Dusenbury; Sue and Granson Geis; Vicki and Ron Grout; and Barb and Jim Quimby.


Bob Pieters Hired

June 15, 1985

Bob Pieters Hired

Bob Pieters was hired as executive director to become president and C.E.O.


First Community Residence

October 15, 1985

The first community residence is opened in a renovated home at Ridgeway Avenue in Greece, N.Y.


HCS Opened a Home

September 3, 1986

Heritage Christian opened a home on State Road in Webster. The property was donated by the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd.


Heritage Foundation

February 10, 1988

Heritage Foundation

Heritage Christian incorporates its fundraising Foundation.


Corporate Office Moved

March 30, 1988

The HCS Corporate Office moved to leased space at the Piano Works Complex in East Rochester.


Springdale Farm Opened

April 1, 1993

Springdale Farm Opened

In partnership with Monroe County, Heritage Christian assumed operations at Springdale Farm in Ogden, N.Y., and opened its first day habilitation site.  


Medicaid Service Coordination

October 1, 1993

The agency began providing Medicaid service coordination from its main office in East Rochester.


Groundbreaking for Respitewood

November 7, 1993

Groundbreaking for Respitewood

Respitewood, Heritage Christian’s first short-term care home, opened.


Respitewood Opens

March 27, 1994

Respitewood Opens

Respitewood opens; it’s Heritage Christian’s first short-term care home.


First Home in Buffalo

June 3, 1996

The first home in the Buffalo, N.Y. area opened on Hoover Road in Sanborn, and Heritage Christian began offering service coordination there. The home was transferred to Heritage Christian from the Wolf family.


Day Habilitation Service Opened

July 1, 1997

Heritage Christian opens its unprecedented day habilitation service for people living in intermediate care facilities in Brighton, N.Y.


Heritage Christian Stables

February 14, 2001

Heritage Christian Stables opens on Salt Road in Webster.


Heritage Hollow

November 1, 2001

Heritage Hollow

Heritage Christian Services opens Heritage Hollow, its Adirondack retreat center, on Sixth Lake in Inlet, N.Y.


A Second Thought Resale Shop Opened

January 1, 2002

A Second Thought Resale Shop Opened

The first group of volunteers traveled to Guatemala for International Ministries. A Second Thought Resale Shop opened at the Piano Works Mall in East Rochester.


Top 1%

January 1, 2002

Top 1%

HCS receives a Compass designation, recognizing the agency for being in the top 1% of service providers in New York state.


New regional office in North Tonawanda

October 3, 2003

In addition to the Rochester operations, Heritage Christian opened its regional office in North Tonawanda.


Agency grew to 51 Homes

June 1, 2005


HCS opened its first WNY respite program, Club Adventure

March 1, 2006

HCS opened its first WNY respite program, Club Adventure

Center for Human Services Education Established

April 1, 2006

Center for Human Services Education Established

Heritage Christiana launched its statewide educational division: The Center for Human Services Education, which started as the state-organized Developmental Disabilities Education of Network.


Ground broken for the Pieters Family Life Center in Henrietta

June 24, 2006

Ground broken for the Pieters Family Life Center in Henrietta

Pieters Family Life Center Opened

April 2, 2007

Pieters Family Life Center Opened

Anne Wolf Quality of Life Fund Established

November 1, 2008

Anne Wolf Quality of Life Fund Established

The Anne Wolf Quality of Life Fund was established in the HCS Foundation in memory of Anne Wolf, one of the original members of the WNY FAITH Foundation.


WNY Community Hab Services Established

March 1, 2009

Heritage Christian begins offering Community Hab services in Western New York; a new program for the agency.


The 25th Anniversary of Heritage Christian Services is Celebrated

June 24, 2009


Employment Alliance is Established

February 1, 2011

The agency launches its Employment Alliance, an expanded approach to work readiness and the employment of people with disabilities.


First Customized Residential Option

March 1, 2011

Heritage Christian opens its first customized residential option — a home without 24-hour staffing — on Farnsworth Way in Henrietta for three young men.


First Expressive Beginnings Child Care Opened

August 1, 2011

First Expressive Beginnings Child Care Opened

Expressive Beginnings Child Care opened in Henrietta and fills to capacity within one year.


Oxbow Lane in Lewiston Aquired

May 1, 2012

Heritage Christian took over operation of a New York state run residential home on Oxbow Lane in Lewiston; the first time the agency acquired a home in such a way.


Marisa Geitner became president and C.E.O.

January 1, 2013

Marisa Geitner became president and C.E.O.

Toddler’s Workshop & Railroad Junction Aquired

January 1, 2016

HCS purchases Toddler’s Workshop & Railroad Junction in Webster, expanding its service to 300 more children.


HCS Named Community Organization of the Year

March 12, 2016

HCS Named Community Organization of the Year

Heritage Christian Services was recognized as the TOPS St. Patrick’s Day Parade community organization of the year in Rochester.  


CDPAP Services Began

April 1, 2016

Heritage Christian began serving people through the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP), which includes people directly hiring their own staff.


HCS Received Ethie Award

September 28, 2016

HCS earned an Ethie Award from the Rochester Business Ethics Foundation.


Corporate Office Moved

November 14, 2016

The corporate office moves from E. Rochester to 275 Kenneth Drive in Henrietta, New York.


CHUNNY Services Premiered

December 1, 2016

HCS becomes a Care Management Agency (CMA) partnered with CHHUNY (Children’s Health Home of Upstate New York), increasing opportunities to serve children outside of OPWDD.


Expressive Beginnings Greece Opened

June 27, 2017

Expressive Beginnings Greece Opened

Expressive Beginnings opened its third and newly constructed child care center in Greece to serve 120 children.


Care Coordination

July 1, 2018

Medicaid Service Coordination evolves to Care Coordination across New York state.


Heritage Gardens Opened

September 27, 2018

Heritage Gardens opens in partnership with Home Leasing. The apartment complex currently includes 83 units for income-eligible community members.


Regional Office Moved

January 13, 2020

The regional office moves from North Tonawanda to 130 John Muir Drive in Amherst, New York.


Eleversity Announced

May 1, 2020

Eleversity Announced

The Center for Human Services Education announces its rebranding as Eleversity, a name which encompasses its enduring work in human services and next-level supports available to businesses in every sector.


HCS Celebrated 25 Years of Service in the Buffalo-Niagara Region

June 24, 2021


First Senior VP of People and Culture Hired

October 11, 2021

As the Heritage Christian Services workforce grows and changes, the agency hired its first senior vice president of people and culture. This role works to advance diversity and inclusion initiatives and integrate justice and equity in our employment philosophies.


Cam Lewis chose HCS for My Cause, My Cleats

December 1, 2022

Cam Lewis chose HCS for My Cause, My Cleats

Buffalo Bills player Cam Lewis chose Heritage Christian Services as his organization for the NFL’s My Cause, My Cleats initiative. He wore custom sneakers bearing the agency’s brand against the New England Patriots. The sneakers were later put up for auction on the NFL’s auction website.


HCS Premiered Refreshed Logo

December 1, 2022

HCS Premiered Refreshed Logo

Heritage Christian introduced a refreshed logo and tagline to better reflect how we’re welcoming the community to the next generation of services, and how we invite people to work here. We are people of possibility!


Refreshed Mission Statement Rolled Out

December 1, 2022

“Our compassionate and talented team reflects Christ’s inclusive love for all people, by honoring their dignity and worth and helping them to fulfill lives of endless possibility.”


NADSP E-Badge Academy Pilot Program Began

January 3, 2023

NADSP E-Badge Academy Pilot Program Began

Our partnership with the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals (NADSP) allowed us to launch the E-Badge Academy. This pilot program offers direct support professionals and frontline supervisors opportunities to earn national certification for their knowledge and skills.


Direct Support Wages Increased

September 4, 2023

Heritage Christian Services continued to implement its multi-year strategic plan to improve work experiences of its care professionals Their base wage for the third time in two and a half years.


Honored with Inaugural Elevating Women Awards

September 28, 2023

Honored with Inaugural Elevating Women Awards

Heritage Christian Services was recognized as an RBJ Elevating Women Award honoree for its commitment to the advancement of women.


Gold Award Given for Team Excellence

October 11, 2023

Heritage Christian Services received a Gold Award in the Team Excellence category in the Greater Rochester Quality Council Performance Excellence Awards. This recognizes the work of the strategic project team focused on Reimagining Community Habilitation Services.


Homes with Heart Campaign A Success

April 3, 2024

Homes with Heart Campaign A Success

The Homes with Heart campaign was established to allow people to remain in their homes through every stage of life through new home purchases and construction, and renovations to existing homes.


Refreshed Corporate Values

April 26, 2024

We introduced values that reflect the spirit of who we are, our work, and the bonds between employees and the people we serve: integrity, Inclusion, Compassion, Excellence, and Joy.


Self-Direction Milestone Reached

May 1, 2024

Over 1,600 people are served across Heritage Christian through self-direction. In 2019, the agency served just over 500 people.