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Pre-Employment Transition Services

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The Employment Alliance is excited to offer Pre-ETS to students with disabilities. Pre-ETS includes a group of services designed to address the career development needs of students and help prepare them for employment, explore their post-secondary education options, develop their employment-related soft skills and assist them in obtaining work experiences. We offer five services under the Pre-ETS umbrella:

  • Work readiness
  • Post-secondary counseling
  • Job exploration counseling
  • Self-advocacy training
  • Work-based learning

Services can be provided one-on-one or in a group setting, virtually or in-person. We will work with you to develop a learning plan that makes sense for you.

Work-based learning experiences


If you are a student between the ages of 14 and 21 and have a disability, we can work with you on achieving your employment goals by providing:

  • Job exploration, to help you learn more about different careers and industries through activities, guest speakers and more.
  • Post-secondary counseling, to help you and your family navigate and research college and training programs, financial aid assistance and college disability and resources offices.
  • Work-readiness training, which prepares students through mock interviews, resume development, financial literacy, workplace conflict resolution and other skills to set you up for success at work.
  • Work-based learning, which can include job shadowing, volunteer opportunities, non-paid work experiences, workplace tours and informational interviews.
  • Self-advocacy training, which assists you in understanding your rights and disability disclosure and how to set and achieve your goals.

To be eligible for these services, students must meet the following criteria:

  1. Not currently receiving services from ACCES-VR
  2. Between the ages of 14 and 21
  3. Enrolled in an education program
  4. Includes middle school, high school, post-secondary education programs, training programs, and those offered through juvenile justice or foster care programs
  5. Eligible for services under IDEA and can provide supporting documentation

Documentation can include:

a student’s IEP, Social Security Administration beneficiary award letter, school psychological assessment, documentation related to 504 accommodations, or other clinical assessments

For more information, email